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  • Planning for Peace of Mind and Wealth Preservation

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Planning for Peace of Mind

When our clients finish signing their estate planning documents, they often tell us, “What a relief to have that done!” Most people put off doing an estate plan, and many times they let it go until it is too late: they have lost capacity, have become disabled, or have passed away. Now their family is left to pick up the pieces, by going through a lengthy probate. This isn't necessary.

You can have an estate plan designed which ensures YOUR estate is passed along to the people YOU want it to go to, in the manner YOU desire. Left to probate, however, the state courts will often distribute your hard-earned assets in a way which you would have never wanted in life.

We can help anyone by designing an estate plan for you which suits your unique situation and desires. Every family is different, every client has needs and experiences which direct their wishes. We will work with you to create your plan, to do what you want, not hand you some off-the-shelf document with your name filled in on the signature line, which cannot truly address your situation.

The feeling of helping families preserve and pass along the assets earned by a lifetime's hard work is why Nina does what she does.

Nina Whitehurst, the owner of Cumberland Legacy Law, is a member of Wealth Counsel, Elder Counsel, and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. She is continually upgrading and updating her knowledge of estate planning law through seminars and being an active member of several estate planning attorney forums. Her husband, Brian Whitehurst, is the firm's marketing coordinator.

*Cumberland Legacy Law is not a public legal aid society.


Life Stage Estate Planning

Planning for Singles

It's crucial that singles focus on their protection and lay the groundwork for their own financial and medical decisions when they aren't able to do so.
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Planning for Married Couples

Getting your estate in order becomes more important after you get married to ensure your spouse and/or children are provided for if something were to happen to you.
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Planning for Minor Children

Part of being a responsible parent is preparing for the unthinkable. If you have minor children, selecting a guardian and creating a financial plan for your children should be a priority.
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Planning for Blended Families

In blended families there's great potential for surviving parties to feel left out. The key to minimizing these issues is a good estate plan.
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Planning during Peak Earning Years

During your peak earning years - statistically between the ages of 40 and 55 - you need to stay flexible. Make sure your estate plan takes into account your fluctuating financial needs.
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Planning when Nearing Retirement

People nearing retirement tend to struggle with estate planning. But this is the time when a thorough plan is most crucial. Contact us today for help.
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Planning when Single Again

People who are divorcing or have become widowed often don't understand that being single again includes revisiting or even creating an estate plan.
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Planning for Retirement

Retirement is a good time to create (or revisit) your estate plan to make sure you still have your legal ducks in a row.
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Have Questions?

If you have a question, a comment, or simply want to have a conversation and explore how we can help, we’d love to hear from you.

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